Hunter Cat Lands

The dark air is cool against your skin, and the stars shine brightly above you.  Silence fills the air, and you keep walking...  Suddenly, you reach a clearing.  You step inside to see two felines, possessing exquisite markings, and you watch them from a distance.


Name:  Valdar
Translation:  Guardian
Gender:  Male
Parents:  Unknown


Name:  Avende
Translation:  Freedom
Gender:  Female
Parents:  Unknown

Name:  Cyndane
Translation:  Last Chance
Gender:  Female
Parents:  Avende and Valdar

The cats' eyes turn to watch you, and you are unnerved by their feline brilliance.  You remember that the sign said 'hunter' cats and decide it would be best not to temp fate.  Taking one last look back, you continue your travels.